Association of
  • FINANCES / Currency rates

    Yuan to dollar exchange rate 09.06.2021


    Cash exchange rate US dollar to RMB Bank of China: min 6.3301 (+0,0025) max 6.409 (+0,0025) average 6.3955 (+0.0025) Commercial non-cash US dollar to RMB Bank of China: min 6.375 (+0.0025) max 6.409(+0.0025) average 6,3956 (+0.0048) US dollar exchange rate of the People's Bank of China 6,3956 (+0.0048) The exchange rate of the US dollar to the yuan on the black market in Kiev: 6,,18-6,27 Cash rates […]Read more ...

    Yuan to dollar exchange rate 08.06.2021


    Cash exchange rate US dollar to RMB Bank of China: min 6.3276 (-0,014) max 6.4065 (-0,014) average 6.36705 (-0.014) Commercial non-cash US dollar to RMB Bank of China: min 6.3725 (-0.014) max 6.4065(-0.014) average 6,3908 (-0.0055) US dollar exchange rate of the People's Bank of China 6,3908 (-0.0055) The exchange rate of the US dollar to the yuan on the black market in Kiev: 6,18—6.27 Cash rates […]Read more ...

    Yuan to dollar exchange rate 04.06.2021


    Cash exchange rate US dollar to RMB Bank of China: min 6.3419 (+0.02) max 6.4211 (+0.02) average 6.3815 (+0.02) Commercial non-cash US dollar to RMB Bank of China: min 6.394 (+0.02) max 6.4211 (+0.02) average 6,4077 (+0.0266) US dollar exchange rate of the People's Bank of China 6,4077 (+0.0266) The exchange rate of the US dollar to the yuan on the black market in Kiev: 6,24-6,29 Cash […]Read more ...

    Yuan to dollar exchange rate 03.06.2021


    Cash exchange rate US dollar to RMB Bank of China: min 6.3197 (+0.003) max 6.3985 (+0.003) average 6.3591 (+0.003) Commercial non-cash US dollar to RMB Bank of China: min 6.3715 (+0.003) max 6.3985 (+0.003) average 6,3811 (+0.0038) US dollar exchange rate of the People's Bank of China 6,3811 (+0.0038) The exchange rate of the US dollar to the yuan on the black market in Kiev: 6,16-6,25 Cash […]Read more ...

    Yuan to dollar exchange rate 02.06.2021


    Cash exchange rate US dollar to RMB Bank of China: min 6.3167 (+0.011) max 6.3955 (+0.011) average 6.3561 (+0.011) Commercial non-cash US dollar to RMB Bank of China: min 6.3685 (+0.011) max 6.3955 (+0.011) average 6,3773 (+0.0201) US dollar exchange rate of the People's Bank of China 6,3773 (+0.0201) The exchange rate of the US dollar to the yuan on the black market in Kiev: 6,16-6,25 Cash […]Read more ...

    Yuan to dollar exchange rate 01.06.2021


    Cash exchange rate US dollar to RMB Bank of China: min 6.3058 (+0.006) max 6.3845 (+0.006) average 6.34515 (+0.006) Commercial non-cash US dollar to RMB Bank of China: min 6.3575 (+0.003) max 6.3845 (+0.003) average 6,3572 (-0.011) US dollar exchange rate of the People's Bank of China 6,3572 (-0.011) The exchange rate of the US dollar to the yuan on the black market in Kiev: 6,16-6,22 Cash […]Read more ...

    Yuan to dollar exchange rate 31.05.2021


    Cash exchange rate US dollar to RMB Bank of China: min 6.2994 (-0.003) max 6.378 (-0.003) average 6.3387 (-0.003) Commercial non-cash US dollar to RMB Bank of China: min 6.351 (-0.003) max 6.378 (-0.003) average 6,3682 (-0.0176) US dollar exchange rate of the People's Bank of China 6,3682 (-0.0176) The exchange rate of the US dollar to the yuan on the black market in Kiev: 6,16—6.26 Cash […]Read more ...

    Yuan to dollar exchange rate 28.05.2021


    Cash exchange rate US dollar to RMB Bank of China: min 6.3023 (-0.014) max 6.381 (-0.014) average 6.34165 (-0.014) Commercial non-cash US dollar to RMB Bank of China: min 6.355 (-0.014) max 6.381 (-0.014) average 6,3858 (-0.0172) US dollar exchange rate of the People's Bank of China 6,6.3858 (-0.0172) The exchange rate of the US dollar to the yuan on the black market in Kiev: 6,17-6,3 Cash […]Read more ...

    Yuan to dollar exchange rate 27.05.2021


    Cash exchange rate US dollar to RMB Bank of China: min 6.3161 (-0.011) max 6.3949 (-0.011) average 6.3555 (-0.011) Commercial non-cash US dollar to RMB Bank of China: min 6.369 (-0.011) max 6.3949 (-0.011) average 6,403 (-0.0069) US dollar exchange rate of the People's Bank of China 6,403 (-0.0069) The exchange rate of the US dollar to the yuan on the black market in Kiev: 6,16-6,31 Cash […]Read more ...

    Yuan to dollar exchange rate 25.05.2021


    Cash exchange rate US dollar to RMB Bank of China: min 6.3459 (-0.02) max 6.4251 (-0.02) average 6.3855 (-0.02) Commercial non-cash US dollar to RMB Bank of China: min 6.3979 (-0.02) max 6.4251 (-0.02) average 6,4251 (-0.0157) US dollar exchange rate of the People's Bank of China 6,4251 (-0.0157) The exchange rate of the US dollar to the yuan on the black market in Kiev: 6,06-6,23 Cash […]Read more ...

    Yuan to dollar exchange rate 24.05.2021


    Cash exchange rate US dollar to RMB Bank of China: min 6.3662 (-0.0005) max 6.4456 (-0.0005) average 6.4059 (-0.0005) Commercial non-cash US dollar to RMB Bank of China: min 6.4184 (+0.0005) max 6.4456 (+0.0005) average 6,4408 (+0.0108) US dollar exchange rate of the People's Bank of China 6,4408 (+0.0108) The exchange rate of the US dollar to the yuan on the black market in Kiev: 6,06-6,22 Cash […]Read more ...

    Yuan to dollar exchange rate 21.05.2021


    Cash exchange rate US dollar to RMB Bank of China: min 6.3667 (-0.007) max 6.4461 (-0.007) average 6.4064 (-0.007) Commercial non-cash US dollar to RMB Bank of China: min 6.4189 (-0.007) max 6.4461 (-0.007) average 6,43 (-0.0164) US dollar exchange rate of the People's Bank of China 6,43 (-0.0164) The exchange rate of the US dollar to the yuan on the black market in Kiev: 6,2—6.34 Cash […]Read more ...

    Yuan to dollar exchange rate 20.05.2021


    Cash exchange rate US dollar to RMB Bank of China: min 6.3751 (+0.012) max 6.4526 (+0.012) average 6.41385 (+0.012) Commercial non-cash US dollar to RMB Bank of China: min 6.4254 (+0.012) max 6.4526 (+0.012) average 6,4464 (+0.0209) US dollar exchange rate of the People's Bank of China 6,4464 (+0.0209) The exchange rate of the US dollar to the yuan on the black market in Kiev: 6,29-6,32 Cash […]Read more ...

    Yuan to dollar exchange rate 19.05.2021


    Cash exchange rate US dollar to RMB Bank of China: min 6.3611 (-0.0005) max 6.4411 (-0.0005) average 6.4014 (-0.0005) Commercial non-cash US dollar to RMB Bank of China: min 6.4139 (-0.0005) max 6.4411 (-0.0005) average 6,4255 (-0.0102) US dollar exchange rate of the People's Bank of China 6,4255 (-0.0102) The exchange rate of the US dollar to the yuan on the black market in Kiev: 6,3-6,38 Cash […]Read more ...