Cash exchange rate US dollar to RMB Bank of China: min 7,0909 (-0,003) max 7,1793 (-0,003) average 7,1351 (-0,003) Commercial non-cash US dollar to RMB Bank of China: min 7,149 (-0,003) max 7,1793 (-0,003) average 7,1566 (+0,0068) US dollar exchange rate of the People's Bank of China 7.1566 (+0,0068) The exchange rate of the US dollar to the yuan on the black market in Kiev: […]Read more ...2023-06-13
Cash exchange rate US dollar to RMB Bank of China: min 7,0939 (+0,024) max 7,1823 (+0,024) average 7,1381 (+0,024) Commercial non-cash US dollar to RMB Bank of China: min 7,152 (+0,024) max 7,1823 (+0,024) average 7,1498 (+0,0286) US dollar exchange rate of the People's Bank of China 7.1498 (+0,0286) The exchange rate of the US dollar to the yuan on the black market in Kiev: 6,73-6,95 Cash […]Read more ...2023-06-12
Cash exchange rate US dollar to RMB Bank of China: min 7,0696 (+0,017) max 7,1578 (+0,017) average 7,1137 (+0,017) Commercial non-cash US dollar to RMB Bank of China: min 7,1276 (+0,017) max 7,1578 (+0,017) average 7,1212 (+0,0097) US dollar exchange rate of the People's Bank of China 7.1212 (+0,0087) The exchange rate of the US dollar to the yuan on the black market in Kiev: 6,73-6,89 Cash […]Read more ...2023-06-09
Cash exchange rate US dollar to RMB Bank of China: min 7,0528 (-0,014) max 7,1407 (-0,014) average 7,09675 (-0,014) Commercial non-cash US dollar to RMB Bank of China: min 7,1106 (-0,014) max 7,1407 (-0,014) average 7,1115 (-0,0165) US dollar exchange rate of the People's Bank of China 7.1115 (-0,0165) The exchange rate of the US dollar to the yuan on the black market in Kiev: 6,73-6,90 Cash […]Read more ...2023-06-08
Cash exchange rate US dollar to RMB Bank of China: min 7,0671 (+0,018) max 7,1553 (+0,018) average 7,1112 (+0,018) Commercial non-cash US dollar to RMB Bank of China: min 7,1257 (+0,018) max 7,1553 (+0,018) average 7,128 (+0,0085) US dollar exchange rate of the People's Bank of China 7.128 (+0,0085) The exchange rate of the US dollar to the yuan on the black market in Kiev: 6,73-6,91 Cash […]Read more ...2023-06-07
Cash exchange rate US dollar to RMB Bank of China: min 7,0488 (+0,012) max 7,1367 (+0,012) average 7,09275 (+0,012) Commercial non-cash US dollar to RMB Bank of China: min 7,1066 (+0,012) max 7,1367 (+0,012) average 7,1196 (+0,012) US dollar exchange rate of the People's Bank of China 7.1196 (+0,012) The exchange rate of the US dollar to the yuan on the black market in Kiev: 6,73-6,89 Cash […]Read more ...2023-06-06
Cash exchange rate US dollar to RMB Bank of China: min 7,0369 (-0,0005) max 7,1247 (-0,0005) average 7,0808 (-0,0005) Commercial non-cash US dollar to RMB Bank of China: min 7,0946 (-0,0005) max 7,1247 (-0,0005) average 7,1075 (+0,0171) US dollar exchange rate of the People's Bank of China 7.1075 (+0,0171) The exchange rate of the US dollar to the yuan on the black market in Kiev: 6,73-6,91 Cash […]Read more ...2023-06-05
Cash exchange rate US dollar to RMB Bank of China: min 7,0374 (+0,033) max 7,1252 (+0,033) average 7,0813 (+0,033) Commercial non-cash US dollar to RMB Bank of China: min 7,0951 (+0,033) max 7,1252 (+0,033) average 7,0904 (-0,0035) US dollar exchange rate of the People's Bank of China 7.0904 (-0,0035) The exchange rate of the US dollar to the yuan on the black market in Kiev: 6,73-6,9 Cash […]Read more ...2023-06-02
Cash exchange rate US dollar to RMB Bank of China: min 7,0043 (-0,032) max 7,0916 (-0,032) average 7,04795 (-0,032) Commercial non-cash US dollar to RMB Bank of China: min 7,0617 (-0,032) max 7,0916 (-0,032) average 7,0939 (-0,0026) US dollar exchange rate of the People's Bank of China 7.0939 (-0,0026) The exchange rate of the US dollar to the yuan on the black market in Kiev: 6,73-6,87 Cash […]Read more ...2023-06-01
Cash exchange rate US dollar to RMB Bank of China: min 7,0359 (+0,0025) max 7,1237 (+0,0025) average 7,0798 (+0,0025) Commercial non-cash US dollar to RMB Bank of China: min 7,0936 (+0,0025) max 7,1237 (+0,0025) average 7,0965 (+0,0144) US dollar exchange rate of the People's Bank of China 7.0965 (+0,0144) The exchange rate of the US dollar to the yuan on the black market in Kiev: 6,73-6,87 Cash […]Read more ...2023-05-31
Cash exchange rate US dollar to RMB Bank of China: min 7,0336 (+0,0054) max 7,1212 (+0,0054) average 7,0774 (+0,0054) Commercial non-cash US dollar to RMB Bank of China: min 7,0911 (+0,0054) max 7,1212 (+0,0054) average 7,0821 (+0,0003) US dollar exchange rate of the People's Bank of China 7.0821 (+0,0003) The exchange rate of the US dollar to the yuan on the black market in Kiev: 6,70-6,85 Cash […]Read more ...2023-05-30
Cash exchange rate US dollar to RMB Bank of China: min 7,028 (+0,03) max 7,1157 (+0,03) average 7,07185 (+0,03) Commercial non-cash US dollar to RMB Bank of China: min 7,0857 (+0,03) max 7,1157 (+0,02) average 7,0818 (+0,0243) US dollar exchange rate of the People's Bank of China 7.0818 (+0,0243) The exchange rate of the US dollar to the yuan on the black market in Kiev: 6,70-6,85 Cash […]Read more ...2023-05-29
Cash exchange rate US dollar to RMB Bank of China: min 6,99983 (+0,01) max 7,0856 (+0,01) average 7,04195 (+0,01) Commercial non-cash US dollar to RMB Bank of China: min 7,0557 (+0,01) max 7,0856 (+0,01) average 7,0575 (-0,0185) US dollar exchange rate of the People's Bank of China 7.076 (-0,0185) The exchange rate of the US dollar to the yuan on the black market in Kiev: 6,70-6,85 Cash […]Read more ...2023-05-26
Cash exchange rate US dollar to RMB Bank of China: min 6,988 (-0,012) max 7,0761 (-0,012) average 7,03205 (-0,012) Commercial non-cash US dollar to RMB Bank of China: min 7,0452 (-0,012) max 7,0761 (-0,012) average 7,076 (+0,0231) US dollar exchange rate of the People's Bank of China 7.076 (+0,0231) The exchange rate of the US dollar to the yuan on the black market in Kiev: 6,70-6,85 Cash […]Read more ...