Association of
  • Фінансові Аналітики / Курси Валют

    Yuan to dollar exchange rate 30.12.2020

    Cash exchange rate US dollar to RMB Bank of China:
    min 6.4647 (-0,0005)
    max 6.5453 (-0,0005)
    average 6.505 (-0,0005)

    Commercial non-cash US dollar to RMB Bank of China:
    min 6.5177 (-0,0005)
    max 6.543 (-0,0005)
    average 6.5325 (-0.0126)

    US dollar exchange rate of the People's Bank of China 6,5325 (-0,0126)

    The exchange rate of the US dollar to the yuan on the black market in Kiev: 6,4—6,58

    Cash exchange rates of the US dollar Ministry of Finance currency auction:
    purchase 28,15 (-0.03)
    selling 28.25 (-0.01)

    Cash exchange rates of the US dollar PrivatBank:
    purchase 27.95 (0)
    selling 28.35 (-0,06)

    The parentheses indicate the change of course compared to 29.12.2020 p.